Saturday, June 18, 2011

Love me some lazy weekends!

It has been a fantastically lazy weekend here in Thanjavur, with almost chilly-like weather (i.e., < 100 degrees Fahrenheit)!

Yesterday (Friday) was spent shopping downtown at the Oriental Market (I think that was the name?), where I managed to stock up on lots of American goodies:  Nutella, peanut butter, Snickers (!!), honey, and Pepsi (!). Oh, and a non-cement-like pillow (!).  Now I just need to find some gluten free crackers or cereal and I'll be in heaven!  Luckily, some of each are somewhere over an ocean heading this way (thanks, mom!).

In other big news, I think I might finally be conquering my fear of cows!  Yesterday morning I found myself walking down the busy street next to two smallish cows, and although I flinched a little bit when one of them turned around to look at me, I didn't feel the need to freeze (in hopes that it wouldn't see me) or run in the opposite direction!  I'd definitely call that progress!

Last, but certainly not least, the most important news of the day is a shout out to my friends Alyssa and Steve who are about to tie the knot (T minus 1 hour or so)!  Congratulations, friends!  I'm so incredibly excited for the both of you!


  1. Wait...fear of cows? Where did you grow up again? (Holsteins are pretty terrifying, I guess.)

  2. Um, they're giant. And have creepy hooves. And who knows what will happen with their herd mentality...
